Jonathan Parhusip

Jonathan Parhusip

Seafood Campaign Organizer

Jonathan is a doctoral student (2020 - present) at the Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies of the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. His doctoral research explores the employment practices, solidarity, and activism of Southeast Asian migrant fishers on Taiwanese fishing vessels and at the ports. He has published several peer-reviewed articles related to migrant workers in Taiwan. Previously, he worked as an interpreter for an Indonesian labor union and a researcher and consultant for Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN) (Jan-Dec 2022) and Humanity Research Consultancy (Nov 2022-May 2023) in Taiwan. He has worked voluntarily at Stella Maris Kaohsiung, providing free translations, case profiling, port visits, and advocacy work for migrant workers in Taiwan. Currently, he serves as GLJ-ILRF’s campaign organizer for the Wi-Fi Now for Migrant Fishers’ Rights! campaign.